What is the Enneagram ?
The Enneagram has 9 main personality types that provide a lens for how we think, feel and behave
Each Enneagram type has unique strengths and passions
Astonishing clarity revealed to better understand our core motivations, longings, fears & desires
Nine perspectives and gifts to make the world a better place: peace, discernment, care, achievement, individualization, analysis, loyalty, enthusiasm, protection and more!
Great tools for self-discovery & growth
Gain clarity & guidance for strengthening relationships
Reduce stress levels & identify growth opportunities
Identify triggers & learn strategies to replace negative thought patterns and behaviors with healthy coping strategies
Experience transformation with ways to break through areas where you feel stuck
Find freedom leading to greater peace, passion and purpose in your life
Benefits of the Enneagram ?
*YEC Enneagram Diagram By Beth and Jeff McCord from More Than Your Number
"The power of the Enneagram is in its ability to harness and transform self-limiting behaviors into life-enhancing personal empowerment. The gift of the Enneagram is that through self-discovery, one can create and sustain meaningful and lasting relationships with others, God and themselves."
By Beth and Jeff McCord YEC (Your Enneagram Coach)
*Authors of More Than Your Number, showing 9 Main Types on the Enneagram Diagram
I invite you to join me in a journey to discover a unique road map for better understanding yourself and others with compassion and clarity, offering paths for deep growth and healing.
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